The Executions by Sarah Elisabeth Sawyer

Mightier Than The Pen

The Executions by Sarah Elisabeth Sawyer is a marvellous Christian historical novel and the first book in the Choctaw Tribune series.

I was completely engrossed from the start as I travelled back to 1892 and Indian Territory. The novel surrounds the Choctaw people. They are a peaceful people with the two main characters being in charge of the local paper. “We need people to stand up and speak truth.” They will not sugar coat the news, they tell the facts and reveal the injustices. This makes them unpopular with the local white people.

The reader witnesses the horrors of the times – the lynching’s, the racial prejudices, belief that the white man is supreme. It is a time of ignorance and poor choices for some. “Things didn’t just happen. They resulted from a chain of choices that eventually… shackled a man.” We will always have the choice to do the right thing.

The leading lady is a forward thinking, brave young woman. She is ahead of her time going to places of horror to reveal the truth. She faces opposition from white males who believe a woman’s place is in the home. Our heroine believes “a woman’s place is anywhere God puts her.”

I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know my new ‘friends’. It is on to book two to continue the tale now.

I will leave you with this powerful quote:

“Jesus. He wasn’t just friendly, kind and good. He went to places others wouldn’t.”

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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