Under His Wings

More Than Enough by Lorna Seilstad is a beautiful contemporary Christian novel about the restorative love of God. It is part of the Mosaic Collection but can be read as a stand-alone.
At the heart of the novel there is brokenness. “God’s love can shine through our brokenness.” Life deals us blows and we believe the lie that we are too broken to be loved by anyone. We even doubt God’s promises, believing they are for everyone else. “His promises aren’t for everyone else… They are for you.” God loves each and every one of us, no one is too far from His love.
God is our perfect Heavenly Father. Our earthly fathers may let us down but God will never fail us.
There is a foster family in the novel who show unconditional love to vulnerable children. “Mom Cat refused to stop loving the angry girl, no matter how bad she got.” This is a picture of God’s love for us. He loves us in spite of our moods and emotional outbursts. He loves us with an everlasting unconditional love and he passionately pursues us until we come home to Him. “He’s pursuing her.”
Vulnerable and hurting children need love, care and attention. Much of the novel is in a hospital setting following a children’s play worker. She is invaluable as she puts patients and their families at ease, explaining hospital procedures’ and what they can expect.
We are not labels. We are individuals. To put a label on a person is potentially damaging for the rest of their life.
Characters bond over food. This gives a warm, welcoming feel to the novel. There are some light-hearted moments in spite of some serious themes within the novel.
The characters are wonderfully drawn, likable and realistic. The lead character is a mixture of vulnerable with a tough exterior as she fights to keep her vulnerability hidden. It is this mix that appeals to both the reader and other characters within the novel.
I adored More Than Enough, its themes and characters lodged in my heart and soul as the love of God permeated the whole novel.
I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.