Christmas In Winter Hill by Melody Carlson

All That Is Good

Christmas In Winter Hill by Melody Carlson is a delightful Christmas book that will leave you smiling. Every year Melody Carlson releases a Christmas book and I look forward to reading it, and this year’s offering does not disappoint.

Christmas is a time for love and family but if you have never had one, it can be hard. One may feel isolated and lonely as it looks like the whole world is having fun.

Winter Hill is a place of community. A warm welcome awaits as strangers are taken under its wings. New beginnings are made easier with a greeting from smiling faces.

We all have dreams. Sometimes our dreams are for others. We witness selfless love in action in the novel.

Christmas In Winter Hill was a charming read, encompassing all that is good about Christmas.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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