Tractorman by Michael James Wiggins

Man With Beard, Dog And Blue Snail

Tractor Man by Michael Wiggins is a true account of one man’s journey from the South of Spain to Bradford on a 1963 tractor – a distance of 1400 miles. As if that wasn’t amazing enough, he did it pulling a caravan with just his dog Luna for company.

I really enjoyed the interactions with Luna – her referring to Michael Wiggins as ‘master’ immediately put me in mind of Dobbie from Harry Potter! Dogs are always guaranteed to be crowd pullers and pleasers and Luna was no exception.

Along the way Michael Wiggins met strangers who opened their hearts. “Strangers prepared to give simply out of kindness reinforces all sense of humanity.” There was a real warmth that leapt from the pages. People on the continent saw Michael Wiggins and his tractor as a novelty, in contrast with England where it was accepted as the norm!

The book was highly amusing. I was literally laughing out loud at times.

With detailed descriptions I journeyed through the novel, taking in all the sights and sounds on offer.

Tractor Man was written in a very personable style, seeming more like reading a letter from a friend than working through a book. A highly enjoyable read. I will leave you with a profound quote that I liked:

“People come and go but in the process you become all the richer for shared moments.”

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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