Love’s Belief by Linda Shenton Matchett

One By One

Love’s Belief by Linda Shenton Matchett is a Christian historical novel set in Germany in 1943. It is the third book in the Wartime Brides series but can be read as a stand-alone.

This is a powerful book about having the courage and faith to stand up against the forces of evil. We have to trust God’s plans for our lives in the midst of this evil. “I have seen the worst man has to offer.” We must trust that God will deliver us but even if He does not, we will trust Him anyway.

Nazi Germany was a dangerous place to be. Walls had ears. Hitler must not be criticised but some brave souls “stood up for what they believed in.” Some physically stood, whilst others worked tirelessly in the background. When God spoke, He could be trusted. “Why would God speak to them, but not to him?” Sometimes our hurts and fears prevent us from hearing God but that does not mean He is not speaking to us.

Not all Germans were Nazis. There were good people too. War affects the good and the evil. War maims the body and the mind.

Love’s Belief was a powerful read about being faithful and helping the invisible at a time of great evil. A very moving read showing how we can make a difference one person at a time.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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About the Book

Book: Love’s Belief

Author: Linda Shenton Matchett

Genre: Historical Romantic Fiction

Release date: May 15, 2019

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Midwife Pia Hertz and her mother Sabine have been delivering babies long before the Nazis came to power. Now, the Third Reich has implemented mandates that require Jewish babies and other “undesirables” to be killed as part of The Final Solution. Is Pia’s new faith in Christ strong enough to defy the laws of man?

Despite the agony of the injury at the Battle of Drøbak Sound that took his arm, Dieter Fertig is relieved he’s no longer part of Hitler’s army. He returns to Berlin and discovers Jews are being deported by the thousands. When he realizes the Nuremburg Laws require his best friend’s baby girl to be killed, he must find a way to spirit the child out of Germany before the Nazis discover her existence.

Inspired by the biblical story of Shiprah and Puah, the midwives who saved Jewish babies during Pharaoh’s reign, Love’s Belief shows how one person’s actions can change the world.

Click here to grab your copy.

About the Author

Linda Matchett Head Shot

Linda Shenton Matchett is an author, speaker, and history geek. A native of Baltimore, Maryland, she was born a stone’s throw from Fort McHenry and has lived in historic places all her life. Linda is a member of ACFW, RWA, and Sisters in Crime. She is a volunteer docent and archivist at the Wright Museum of WWII and a trustee for her local public library.

Read an Excerpt

Berlin, late February 1943

Chapter One

“I thought Frau Schmidt was going to die.” Pia Hertz blew out a deep breath. “We haven’t had a difficult birth like that in a long time, Mutti.

Ja, but you are a gifted midwife, Pia. I wasn’t too worried.”

Pia chuckled. “You always say that.”

Mutti linked her arm with Pia’s. “We must have confidence, otherwise fear will make us prone to mistakes. Now, let’s reward ourselves with strudel, if we can find it, hmm?”

“A wonderful idea. I’m starving. Hopefully, the baker has some, and the line won’t be too long at this early hour. Selections at most of the shops have been meager as the war has ground on.”

Leaning close to Pia’s ear, Mutti whispered, “Be careful what you say. You don’t want to be accused of sedition.”

Pia cast a glance over her shoulder. “You’re right. It doesn’t seem to take much to get arrested these days.” She sighed. “I don’t understand why God has allowed Herr Hitler to succeed. Why has He not stepped in to save His people, the Jews?”

Dust coated their shoes as they sauntered along the sidewalk, skirting the piles of rubble from the most recent RAF bombing raid.

“There are some things we will never have an answer to, Daughter, but we must trust in His plan. It is difficult. Despite being a believer since childhood, I still struggle with doubts. It’s understandable that you do, too.” She stroked Pia’s cheek. “When we get home, let’s pray together and see what He would have us do.”

Pia stifled a gasp. “What are you suggesting?”

Her lips pressed in a thin line, Mutti frowned. She jerked her head toward the SS officer standing about ten meters away, then tugged on Pia’s arm. Continuing down the sidewalk, they arrived at the bakery. Unlit windows and lack of women waiting indicated there were no more treats to be had for the day.

Ach, we’ll have to assuage our penchant for a sweet another time.” Muttirubbed her belly. “Let’s take a shortcut down Rosenstrasse then head for the river. It would be nice to look at something other than damaged buildings and debris.”

“Good idea. It is warmer today than yesterday, and there is a market at the end of the street. Perhaps they have some bread or cheese we can nibble on.”

A chill swept over Pia as they walked past a police officer, their eyes averted to avoid any interaction. An elderly couple tottered along in front of them, holding hands and speaking softly. Pia’s heart tugged. Would she ever find someone to spend her life with: someone to look at her like the wrinkled, gray-haired man gazed at the petite woman by his side? At twenty-eight, it seemed unlikely. Der Führer’s desire to rule the world was destroying an entire generation of young men, and she certainly had no interest in a black-coated member of the SS.

Blog Stops

Christian Bookaholic , July 20

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 21

Genesis 5020, July 22

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, July 23

For Him and My Family, July 24

Becka Jimenez’s FB, July 25

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 25

Mary Hake, July 26

Stephanie’s Life of Determination, July 27

Artistic Nobody, July 27 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, July 28

janicesbookreviews, July 29

A Reader’s Brain, July 30

Blossoms and Blessings, July 31

Inklings and notions, August 1

Simple Harvest Reads, August 2 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Linda is giving away a grand prize package with a $25 Amazon gift card and a paperback copy of each book in the series!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

6 thoughts on “Love’s Belief by Linda Shenton Matchett

  1. My family and I all appreciate you bringing to our attention the book description of another great book to read. Thanks so much!

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