The Four Gifts Of The King by R Scott Rodin

Go And Bear Fruit

The Four Gifts Of The King by R Scott Rodin – wow! What to say? This is a marvellous Christian allegorical tale and definitely up there with C.S. Lewis’ Narnia. R Scott Rodin could definitely be the next C.S. Lewis with his insight into the heart of God. The reader will find this book jam packed with wisdom and Godly lessons that we would be wise to follow.

The story is perfect for ages ten to adult. We are never too old or too young to follow a Godly path in life.

This book points the way to the King, showing that life is a journey. Along the way we will meet deceivers who whisper lies that appear as truth. “Words… were delivered with a venomous hiss: ‘the king does not care about you.’“ The job of deceivers is to distract us from God by turning our focus inwards. “We can cause him fear… panic… despair… and to doubt who he is.”

We need to fix our eyes on Jesus and to always be armed with His Word. We need a daily audience with our King. We need to talk to Him in prayer and to read His Word – without this, it is all too easy to stray. “Faithful believers go astray… it’s all about being cut off from a daily audience with the king himself.”

We all face choices daily. A huge choice is, will we trust God? Will we trust Him on the mountaintop and in the valley? “The king never asks us to understand, just to obey.” Will we be faithful servants?

God is in the transformation business. He has different values to us. He looks at our hearts. What we do is not nearly as important as who we are. “God cared less about what I did than who I was.”

Too often we go searching for the next happiness fix – the bigger house, more powerful position, higher salary. We try to fill the God shaped hole with stuff, when really only God can fill it. Sometimes we are so busy doing stuff for God that we miss out on Who He is. “Enjoy being found by God rather than thinking you always need to be looking for Him.” Why not take time out of our lives and be found by God and rest in His arms?

What legacy will you leave? Will people marvel at your wealth? Or will they remember the difference you made in their lives? “You are leaving behind a legacy of lives changed forever because of you.” Are you ‘me’ focused? Or are you ‘people’ focused? It’s never too late to choose the right path.

The Four Gifts Of The King is a book that blew me away. Like Narnia, you can read it on the surface and it’s a jolly good fantasy adventure. Or you can delve deeper and discover the true meaning and learn Godly lessons. This book will challenge your faith. It will cause you to examine your relationship with God and with people too. This book has the power to change lives – will you pick it up and change your life today?

Thank you R Scott Rodin for a perfectly wonderful and powerful book. Please write many more.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.



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