Keturah by Lisa T Bergren

One Limb At A Time

Keturah by Lisa T Bergren is a marvellous Christian historical romantic saga. It is the first book in the Sugar Baron’s Daughters series which promises to be fantastic.

Set in the late eighteenth century the novel moves swiftly from England across the stormy seas to the West Indies as the reader follows the fortunes of three sisters. They are strong women who are determined to survive, thrive and make a difference in a man’s world.

Slave plantations were owned and overseen by brutal men. The sisters long to be the change they want to see. “We believe that human beings respond to kindness and respect.” The sisters see the Negroes as people to be loved and cared for. They face much opposition as their thinking is counter cultural. There are some hard to read scenes of inflicted cruelty on the Negroes.

Who is my brother? My brother is any one of God’s children regardless of colour or race. It is God’s heart to see us all united and working together. Trust needs to be earnt. Hope follows on the heels of trust.

There is the theme of healing – both physical and mental. The past can scar us all. We need to learn to live again without fear.

This links to the themes of abuse, rape and general male brutality. Not pleasant reading but it can happen in a male dominated closed minded society.

When all we see is darkness, we need to focus on any light to be had. “One can face much darkness with the aid of light.” At times it may feel like God is absent or doesn’t care. “Was this the latest reminder that God had utterly abandoned her?” God is only ever a prayer away. He is closer than we think.

With prayer comes the epiphany of God’s goodness. Relationship follows. “Oh, Lord, how far I am from you… Forgive me for blaming you… for not turning to you.” With God on our side, we can face the world. “With God beside her, there wasn’t anyone or anything who could defeat her again.”

Sometimes we doubt ourselves. We don’t believe in our worth. God says we are loved. “I was enough. Just as I am. Because God has made me so.”

There is the theme of family. Parents may let us down but God never will. Family are those we let into our hearts and home, as well as blood ties. The bond between the three sisters is beautiful.

Lisa T Bergren has wonderful descriptive passages which really bring the landscape to life for the reader. She has combined historical facts with her imagination to produce a first rate novel. I cannot wait for subsequent books.

Keturah is not always an easy read but it is a fabulous epic tale that tackles cruelty and injustice whilst putting God on the throne of our lives.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.






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