Archive | April 2018

That’s Amore by Marion Ueckermann

Family’s, Secrets And Love

That’s Amore by Marion Ueckermann is a delightful contemporary Christian romance. It is the first book in the A Tuscan Legacy series that is a multi-author nine book series that has started so full of promise.

With wonderful descriptive passages, the Tuscan countryside really comes to life in glorious 3D. I could ‘see’ the landscape and almost ‘feel’ the heat.

Once again Marion Ueckermann has drawn fully rounded and likable characters that weave their way into the readers hearts. A big fan of all Marion Ueckermann’s books, I was delighted to see some familiar faces. It felt like I was catching up with old friends.

The novel revolves around family. A family with a whole missing generation as grandchildren meet to celebrate their grandmother’s eightieth. The reader can ‘feel’ the love radiating out.

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The Lacemaker by Laura Frantz

Life, Love And Liberty

The Lacemaker by Laura Frantz is a marvellous Christian historical novel that informs whilst entertaining.

Set towards the end of the eighteenth century life is precarious in America as people are unknowingly heading towards the War of Independence. Loyalties split families into opposing sides. Spies and double agents, love and loyalty, plots and arson were the order of the day.

Family meant nothing. It was all about where your loyalties lay. Everyone had to choose – which reminded me of the choice we are given in the Bible – to choose to follow King Jesus or not.

There were times when the only avenue was prayer. One had to try “to replace panic with prayer.” God hears our prayers and He answers.

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Murder In Paint by Rodney Strong

A Really Fun Read

Murder In Paint by Rodney Strong is a really fun contemporary murder mystery thriller set in Wellington, New Zealand.

Rodney Strong writes in a way that engages the reader from the start. There is an air of lightness in spite of the genre. It reminded me of a Hallmark thriller and would translate wonderfully into a channel five afternoon film… any film producers out there need a new project?

Stay at home husband and would be author gets far more than he bargained for following a trip to the cemetery. The reader is entertained by conversations in his head whilst looking for clues to solve a murder and a burglary… all the while fitting in between two young children and the school run.

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The Silent Woman by Terry Lynn Thomas

Of Espionage And War

The Silent Woman by Terry Lynn Thomas is a marvellous historical suspense that had me engrossed from the start.

Opening in 1930’s Nazi Germany with Hitler in power, ordinary lives are beginning to be affected. Anti Semitism is rising. Opposition is squashed. “If he could carry on as usual, he could convince himself that things were just as they used to be.” No one should have ignored the actions of Hitler.

Action moves to London. The reader is treated to espionage, murder, spies and double dealings. There is the theme of trust. So much is going on that the reader wonders who can be trusted and who is doing the dodgy dealings? We need to be aware of the phrase ‘loose lips sink ships.’ Suspicion lurks around every corner.

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