Archive | April 2018

Talents by Anna Huckabee

Making A Difference

Talents by Anna Huckabee is a contemporary retelling of the parable of the talents (Matthew 25: 14-30) and not a book you want to miss. If you are unfamiliar with the Biblical story, I would recommend reading that first to familiarise yourself with the tale – but you don’t have to.

Anna Huckabee is a new author to me – and what a powerful story teller she is. Talents is an amazing novel with great power in its words.

Talents is about making a difference. We all have different talents and we need to play to our strengths. Money is important but only if we use it in conjunction with serving. “I don’t want to just throw money at a problem.”

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God’s Miracle Maisy by George ‘Cowboy Montana’

So Beautiful

God’s Miracle Maisy by George ‘Cowboy Montana’ Halter with photographs by Amy Mellinger is a most beautiful book with the message of adoption and love.

The book is aimed at young children but perfect for any animal lover. The very young can have the book read to them and the new reader can read it themselves. It would be a perfect addition to any bookshelf.

With gorgeous photos of Maisy, everyone is sure to fall in love with a small puppy who needs a home. The photos make perfect starting points for discussing love and adoption into God’s family.

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The Lamb Of Life by Jon Michael Lawrence

For God So Loved The World…

The Lamb Of Life by Jon Michael Lawrence is a simple book with a powerful message for the under five’s. Based on John 3: 16, the book has bold illustrations featuring a farm with animals. There are simple sentences that enable the message to be put across.

The message is one of sacrifice that depends not on us – on whether we are good or bad or what we do. It is all about Jesus and what He has done. The book is the perfect starting point for discussion and explanation on who Jesus is and of His great love for us. No one is ever too young to know about Jesus.

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Hearts Entwined by Various

Do You Have A Favourite?

Hearts Entwined is a most delightful collection of four novellas. They are linked by themes of dreams, trust, huge hearts for others and for God. The stories are all heart warming and wonderful. It is hard to pick a favourite with such delightful characters and plotlines – but I think I have one that is my favourite – have a read and see if you have one too.

The Love Knot by Karen Witemeyer is a delightful tale to kick off this collection. There are themes of family, trust, pride, forgiveness, hurt, grace and love. The characters were wonderfully drawn – even down to baby Liam. Feelings of warmth and protectiveness oozed from the story. Life is for living. We cannot let the past hold us back. We learn from the lessons of the past and with a leap of faith, step into the future.

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