The Christmas Blessing by Melody Carlson

The Thankful List

The Christmas Blessing by Melody Carlson is the most delightful Christian historical Christmas read which will swell your heart and leave you smiling. Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas without the latest festive offering from Melody Carlson and The Christmas Blessing is just perfect.

Set in 1944 there are the themes of loss and grief. War always brings suffering as mothers lose sons on both sides. The pain and grief is raw. It is ‘intense pain and regrets.” Every day is a day of pretending and a “manufactured smile.” Life seems to have ended but we are still breathing. Every day we live with our pain, grief and anger – anger towards God “She had been angry at God for months.” His plans seem to make no sense to us this side of eternity.

In spite of the anger, there is also great faith within the story. When we are down to nothing, we know that God is up to something and we need to exercise our faith muscle. “She could either give in to despair… or she could pray.”

Set at Thanksgiving but without a penny to her name, the lead character makes a “Thanksgiving thankful list” which I think is a wonderful idea. To choose to count our blessings at all times.

The novel is about love and family. Two very different mothers are portrayed and the reader witnesses the unbreakable bond of the love of a mother. Sacrificial love is a beautiful thing.

Kindness is another theme. There is a wonderfully drawn doctor who just radiates kindness which spreads out, engulfing the reader.

Within the tale there are both hope and despair. We all have a choice to make – choose hope or wallow in despair. Whichever we choose will determine our attitude as we journey through life.

The Christmas Blessing is positively delightful. A really warm novel that I devoured in just one sitting. Every year I buy the latest Christmas offering from Melody Carlson and every year it is my favourite one to date.

Give yourself a treat and lose yourself in a Melody Carlson Christmas read… you’ll be glad you did.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.





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