An Unexpected Afterlife by Dan Sofer

It Makes You Think

An Unexpected Afterlife by Dan Sofer is a novel set in Israel and concerns the end times. As the reader begins to ask questions, they are drawn into the story from the start.

Dan Sofer writes with an easy style that is endearing to the reader. With comprehensive descriptions, the reader ‘experiences’ life in Israel and is completely caught up in the action.

I thought it was a very clever plotline which reminded me of the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel.

The novel prompted questions from me – what is heaven? What is hell? Hell, as portrayed in the novel, is a very real place that no-one would willingly go to. It reminded me that we all have a choice – will we follow Jesus? Our eternal destination depends on us. I was also reminded of the biblical passage where Jesus talks about the sheep and the goats.

The novel has the themes of jealousy and revenge. Jealousy is unwarranted and causes much pain. Jealousy destroys us from the inside out and leaves us with a heart of stone.

The novel is also about second chances and new beginnings. How wonderful if we all had the opportunity to right the wrongs of our past.

Friendship is important. It links with hospitality – sometimes given willingly, sometimes grudgingly.

There is the theme of pay it forward – because of the actions of our fathers, we may receive blessings.

An Unexpected Afterlife was an easy read. It’s clever storyline made the reader think, ask questions and examine their own life. With likable characters, An Unexpected Afterlife was a great read. I loved it. It would make a fabulous film.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.





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