With Each New Dawn by Gail Kittleson

Tales of Derring Do

With Each New Dawn by Gail Kittleson is a marvellous historical tale set during 1943-44. It is the second book in the Women Of the Heartland series but can be read as a stand-alone. The reader is not only entertained but educated as fact meets fiction within its pages.

The action alternates between worn torn London and occupied France. Likewise the point of view alternates between best friends Americans Addie and Kate and is told in the third person. As an English woman and historian, I enjoyed recognising both familiar locations and also historical facts. I was truly in my comfort zone.

There are many themes but the main one being that of trust. In times of war this is always foremost in one’s mind. France was overrun with Nazis, spies, double agents etc, always raising the question of trust. Only oneself and God could really be relied upon. Trusting was a lottery. Only God was faithful.

At times the novel was hard to read. Nazi atrocities do not make for pleasant reading but must be included because they happened under the evil regime.

Persecution of the Jewish people is found within the novel. Facts and figures intersperse with the fiction. This helps to bring their plight to life. It is not a work of fiction, it is historical fact and we owe it to the six million innocents who perished to keep their memory alive. We must never forget them.

Within the book there is espionage, resistance and extraordinary acts of bravery. Wartime bonds are formed and courage to pursue daily life is shown.

The novel ends in 1944 so I am hopeful for a third book. I really enjoy Gail Kittleson’s writings. Her novels are so much more than just stories. They are history coming to life as the reader immerses themselves within the pages.

A marvellous read.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.





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