The Gift: The Parable Of The Key by Kathryn E Jones

Remember Who You Are

The Gift: The Parable Of The Key by Kathryn E Jones is the third book in the parables series but can be read as a stand-alone. It is a contemporary Christian novel and beautifully written.

There are many themes including that of loss and restoration. The novel will tug on your heart and tears will fall. Through the loss it is important to lean on God. Loss brings two responses – to pull away from God or to draw closer to Him. The theme of loss is linked to faith and trust. In difficult times, we need to trust that God knows what He’s doing. That He has a plan. That He will work all things together for good, even if we cannot see it. And that He is the God of restoration and He will make all things new.

The novel also deals with the subject of appearances. The person we see on the surface is not all there is. The internal character is more important than the external appearances. It is possible to scrub up well on the outside while remaining unchanged on the inside.

Relationships are shown to be important and we need to work at them – whether it is our relationship with each other or with God. Without effort on our part, relationships can drift and grow stale.

The novel shows that it is ok to bring our anger and frustration and disappointments and loss to God. “She didn’t know what to do with her pain.” He wants us to be ‘real’ with Him. God is close to the broken-hearted and He is as close to us as we want Him to be. “We don’t have to climb a tower to reach God… all we need to do is ask.”

There is the theme of healing within the novel. Healing may be spiritual or physical. We need to heal on the inside as well as the outside.

The story shows the importance of knowing who we are and whose we are. When we know the answer to these questions, we will not merely survive but thrive.

The Gift is a real gem of a book. There is so much wise advice to be found within its pages

I have enjoyed this parables series. All three books are beautifully written and have the power to aid your walk with God if you let them.

A wonderful set of books.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.





One thought on “The Gift: The Parable Of The Key by Kathryn E Jones

  1. Thank you for your review. There is a scene in this last book, towards the end, that came to me right before I was to write it. After all Joy has gone through, all the pain and sorrow, deliverance is not yet.

    Thank you for recommending this series to others. I worked through many of my own goliaths while writing these books.

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