Game On by Lillian Duncan

Forgiveness Is Freeing

gameGame On by Lillian Duncan is a contemporary Christian thriller and what a fantastic one it is. Lillian Duncan draws the reader in from the start and keeps them guessing to the end.

A major theme is that of forgiveness. Forgiveness is freeing – not only to the person forgiven but also the one doing the forgiving. “She had a choice. Stay stuck in the past. Or forgive.” Too many times people stay focused on the past, unable to forgive, unable to move forwards. “You don’t want me to forgive him?… He doesn’t deserve it.” Does anyone deserve forgiveness? God forgives us because of His amazing grace. We need to extend grace to others and forgive because we are forgiven.

There is the theme of anger linked in to forgiveness. Past anger can ruin our lives. We need to let go and let God. “Forgiveness was…about giving up anger.”

Having faith and trust in God are of vital importance. God is always faithful to us. It is His nature and we can always trust Him. “God had been faithful then and He would be faithful now.”

As we journey through life we are never meant to do it alone. We need to learn to trust others as well as God. “Sometimes we have to trust someone instead of ourselves.”

There is the theme of dreams. We all have hopes and dreams but we have to make sure we are following our dreams and not someone else’s. “Is that your dream or your father’s?”

Linked to the theme of dreams is that of God’s plans. We need to know and follow God’s plan for our lives. If we are following Him and His paths nothing is impossible. “Nothing was too difficult when one put God in control of one’s life.”

Over the whole novel there is love. Love for each other and the love for and of God. We are commanded to “love God and love others.” God is love. It is not just in His character, it is who He is. Love from God is pure. Sometimes the love from others can be tainted and warped, projecting love in twisted ways. Pure love always motivates us to put other people first.

I really enjoyed Game On and could not put it down. I was completely caught up in the action. The leading characters were likeable and realistic. Game On is a nail biting thriller that had me guessing to the end. A real compulsive page turner.

I received this book for free in exchange for a fair and honest review.  No monetary compensation was received and all views expressed are my own.



Game On blog tour on Celebrate Lit



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