Looking Fruitful Or Being Fruitful
Without Rival by Lisa Bevere is a marvellous book looking at what it means to be a woman of God without rival. I always enjoy Lisa Bevere’s books as not only are they full of godly truths but also full of common sense. Lisa Bevere talks about things that I really should know but need reminding of.
Lisa Bevere talks about how God does not love us equally but uniquely. If we were equally loved, it would mean we were replaceable – and we’re not. “I don’t love my children equally. I love them uniquely.” As earthly parents we love our children uniquely too, none of them are replaceable. To quote St Augustine “God loves each one of us as if there were only one of us.”
We also need to know whose we are. If we know that we belong to God, we can feel secure, knowing we are loved without rival. It is not just enough to know about God, we need to know Him. We also need to remember not only to talk to God but to be quiet and listen to Him. “There is a vast difference between talking about God and listening to a God who talks to you.”
There is a section on dreams. We are never too old to dream. If God places a dream in your heart, chase after it, pursue it. Never be put off by man. “It is far better to know God than to be known by man.”
Lisa Bevere shows the importance of us all pulling together. If we see each other as rivals and there is no unity, then we are doing the devil’s work for him. “The more we do his (Satan’s) work, the less he has to do.” Work with other Christians and not against them.
There is a section on the importance of being a woman. Women were never meant to be second class citizens to men. God created man and woman to be equal but different. Lisa Bevere gives stories of brave Christian women, including the woman at the well. Their stories inspire the reader. We should not fear man but we should have a healthy fear of God who has the power over life and death.
The book discusses the depth of our faith. Do we have a deep faith? Or a wishing well faith? Are we drawing closer to God? Or just paying lip service?
We are all subject to attacks from the enemy. We are all in a spiritual battle. If the enemy can get us to focus on our past, then we will not be looking forward into the future God has planned for us. We need to learn from the lessons of our past and remember that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus.
There is a chapter on love as described in 1 Corinthians: 13. We are to love like that. We are never meant to judge people. We are meant to love them and leave any judging or changing in God’s hands.
Once again Lisa Bevere has produced a fabulous book designed to help the reader in their walk with God. At the end of each chapter are some questions to help the reader look inside themselves and to draw closer to god in their own personal walk.
A wonderful read. Highly recommended.
I received this book for free in exchange for a fair and honest review. No monetary compensation was received and all views expressed are my own.