Hope And Fear
One Thursday Morning by T. K. Chapin is a contemporary Christian novel and the start of a new series. It’s clearly going to be a great series if book one is anything to go by.
I always love T. K. Chapin’s novels and like a fine wine, I think his writings just get better and better.
God is at the heart of the novel. Serenah cannot always hear Him. “I felt alone, like God had left me to die.” Sometimes we cannot see, hear or feel God but that does not mean He is not there, walking alongside us every step of the way. “That still, quiet voice inside told me to trust God.”
The novel shows that sometimes life intervenes and we drift from God. It is important to recognise this and to always return to God. “I allowed God to be God again in my life.” There is no safer place to be than in the arms of God.
Within the novel there is the tough subject of domestic abuse and physical violence. This does make for difficult reading at times but T.K. Chapin sensitively presents it.
There is fear within the story but the opposite side of that coin is hope. “Choose to live with hope and not be crippled by the fear of the past.” The reader is reminded of Jeremiah 29 where God talks about giving us a hope and a plan for the future. Also within the Bible Jesus says “fear not” three hundred and sixty six times, that’s one for every day of the year. We must choose to put our hope and trust in God Who will never let us down.
T.K.Chapin shows that evil does not wear a face that is recognisable. The face presented to the world may be very different to the one presented behind closed doors.
The novel shows the importance of having good friends whom we can trust and turn to at all times.
There is the subject of grief within One Thursday Morning. We all face grief and we all deal with it differently. There is no magic formula for coping. One needs to do what feels right at the time.
The story is written in the first person from the point of view of Serenah. The reader becomes intimately acquainted with her hopes and her fears.
I really enjoyed One Thursday Morning and am very much looking forward to the next book in the series.
I received this book for free in exchange for a fair and honest review. No monetary compensation was received and all views expressed are my own.