Operation Valentine by Elizabeth Maddrey

God’s Plans

Operation ValentineOperation Valentine by Elizabeth Maddrey is the second book in the Operation Romance series but can be read as a stand-alone. It was a delightful story that I read in just one sitting as I could not put it down.

Rick and Annabelle were an item in college but Annabelle broke off their engagement to pursue her career. As the novel opens, it is six years later and Annabelle is a free lance computer expert. She works alone and lives alone, never having recovered from Rick. She still loves him.

Rick has been working in Germany but is back for a month. He too never stopped loving Annabelle. Circumstances throw the pair together. Both believe the other is over the relationship and they try their best to avoid each other. What will happen?

Elizabeth Maddrey explores the theme of settling for second best, as both Rick and Annabelle try dating others. How many of us have settled for second best in life, when God has something far greater planned for us?

There is also the theme of hiding. For six years Annabelle has hidden from the world. She mistakenly believes that hiding will prevent her from being hurt. However in hiding, Annabelle is merely missing out on life. She isolates herself preferring to live on warm memories from the past and the ‘what if’s.’

Annabelle chose her career over love six years ago. She listened to others in making her life choices. Now she is older and wiser, she realises that she should have listened to God.

In Operation Valentine Elizabeth Maddrey highlights the need for God. The need to daily listen to Him and the importance of meeting corporately with other Christians in church. Christianity was never meant to be done in isolation, as we meet with other believers so our faith is strengthened. Both Annabelle and Rick go to church. The reader is reminded that it is important not to be yoked to an unbeliever, as both are looking for Christian partners.

The theme of following God’s plans is important. God has a plan for our lives. It is vital that we keep our eyes fixed on God and not be influenced by others to take a different direction.

I really enjoyed Operation Valentine. I always enjoy Elizabeth Maddrey’s stories. They contain likeable characters who face normal everyday problems and there is always a good dose of faith. If you have never read a book by Elizabeth Maddrey, then you are missing out. Give Operation Valentine a try today. You will be glad you did.

I received this book for free in exchange for a fair and honest review.  No monetary compensation was received and all views expressed are my own.



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