Tag Archive | The Wish

The Wish by Alex Brown

Immersed In Village Life

The Wish by Alex Brown is a wonderful contemporary story that both amuses and has the reader guessing from the start.

There is an eclectic mix of characters who make up village life. The reader ‘hears’ the narrative from several viewpoints. The style is warm and inclusive. The reader really ‘feels’ a part of village life.

Everyone has their secrets – some are good, others are destructive. Sooner or later the truth must come out.

The heart of the novel focuses on a marriage that is falling apart. Everyone suffers. “The whole family… were coping in isolation.” To fix a relationship, people need to come together and talk.

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The Wish by Beverly Lewis

Hopeful Trust

wishThe Wish by Beverly Lewis is a romantic Amish novel and I really enjoyed it. It explores the differences between the Amish and English way of life. Both exert different pulls in different ways. Life can become confusing as the teens wonder where they fit in. The important thing is to listen to the Lord’s calling. “O Lord please guide me inĀ  all I say and do.”

There are many competing voices in life. Family can exert pressure to conform to the parent’s way of thinking but it is not always the correct way for the youngsters. “This family sticks together.” Whilst it is important to obey your parents, it is more important to obey God.

The novel is about friendship. “Forever friends are sometimes closer than kinfolk.” Forever friends survive the test of time and distance. Forever friends always want the best for each other. Forever friends live out 1 Corinthians: 13. Forever friends love each other and do not judge. “It wasn’t his place to sit in judgment.”

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