Tag Archive | The Killing Grounds

The Killing Grounds by Jack Ford

Torn Between Country And Family

The Killing Grounds by Jack Ford is a contemporary political thriller that I just could not put down. There are some books that when you’ve read them, all you can say is… Wow! The Killing Grounds is one such book. It just blew me away with it’s marvellous plot and it’s  realistic characters.

The plot is full of twists and turns, truth and lies, politics and business. It was intricately constructed yet easy to follow as it alternated between America and the DRC (Congo). Politics and business deals collided, both seemingly intertwined. Decisions in one affected the other. Hands were tied, eyes were turned, would the truth ever immerge? Business ethics were considered. Business ethics were thrown out. With one eye on the world of politics and another on the plight of people… which way to jump?

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