Tag Archive | Tamera Lynn Kraft

Resurrection Of Hope by Tamera Lynn Kraft

A Great Love

Resurrection Of Hope by Tamera Lynn Kraft is a sweet Christian historical romance which I really loved.

God never leaves us, even when we do not feel Him, He is there. He loves us. “God is mad at me.” This is a lie from the enemy. No matter what life throws at us, we can be sure that God is always with us.

The storms of life are seen in the actual storm as the literary device of pathetic fallacy is used. In the chaos and the dark, we may lose sight of God but He never loses sight of us. If we are stumbling around feeling lost, God will search until He finds us.

No one is meant to do life in isolation. We need to help others and we need them to help us. We were designed for community.

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Red Sky Over America by Tamera Lynn Kraft

When God Opens Your Eyes

Red Sky Over America by Tamera Lynn Kraft is a Christian historical romance. It is the first book in the Ladies Of Oberlin series and is a marvellous read.

The novel deals with the evils of slavery. America was very much divided over this abhorrent evil practice but the abolitionists were gaining ground.

Seemingly God fearing men were ignorant about owning slaves, believing they were possessions’. But “slaves were not livestock. They were people.” A fact many in the South ignored. When challenged “it’s just the way things are in the South.” “The magnificence of nature… contrasted with the ugliness of slavery.”

The book has some hard to read scenes with lynching, beatings and general cruelty. People seen to be helping slaves were treated in a similar fashion.

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Alice’s Notions by Tamera Lynn Kraft

Trust Me

Alice’s Notions by Tamera Lynn Kraft is a historical thriller which I loved. Cleverly constructed, small town America merges with the world of espionage and interspersed with references to actors, actresses and films of the time, all of which captures and holds the reader’s attention.

Set against the backdrop of World War II, America in 1946 is still in a state of high alert. Fear is a driving force – fear of Nazi sympathisers, fear of anyone German, fear of Communists. Fear motivates others to be both suspicious and prejudiced. “Prejudices from the war run deep.”

Linked to the theme of fear is that of trust. Who does one trust? Who can one trust? Are friends and neighbours all they appear to be? What about strangers? Immerse yourself in Alice’s Notions to reveal the answers.

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