Tag Archive | Sydney Betts

Straight Flies The Arrow by Sydney Betts

Changed Lives

Straight Flies The Arrow by Sydney Betts is an epic historical Christian Native American tale and a marvellous end to the trio of books. I really enjoyed it.

The reader has a real treat as they experience life in the 1840’s in Native American villages. Here, life is simple, no worldly worries. There is a combining of the traditional way with the new way of I-Am-Creator, as more and more Native Americans hear and grasp His words. “The new spirit produced changes in me.” The reader is reminded that in Jesus, we are all new creations.

As Christians, we have the hope of heaven. “I look forward to heaven, where we will never need to part with a loved one again.” Our separation is not forever.

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Light Bird’s Song by Sydney Betts

Faithfulness Even In His Silence

Light Birds SongLight Bird’s Song by Sydney Betts is the sequel to A River Too Deep. It is an adventure Native American Christian historical romance and is set in 1839. It can be read as a stand-alone but for maximum enjoyment I recommend reading book one first.

Light Bird’s Song was an amazing read, full of godly truths and themes. Sydney Betts does not write ‘preachy’ novels, but writes novels that will speak to your heart and strengthen your faith.

The novel has God very much at the heart, as Light Bird says “the Creator is either who He says He is or a vicious enemy. He cannot be both.” Each individual in the novel and the reader too must decide who God is. For Light Bird He is the centre of her life. Her most treasured possession is her Bible, it brings a smile to her face and deep joy to her heart. Oh that we today would treat our Bibles with respect and awe. The Bible is God’s letter to each and every one of us. For a full life, we would be wise to follow His advice.

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