Tag Archive | Susan K Beatty

Isobel’s Mission Of Courage by Susan K Beatty

The Body Of Christ Pulling Together

Isobel’s Mission Of Courage by Susan K Beatty is a powerful contemporary Christian novel that I just could not put down.

The presence of God permeates the whole novel. The street where we live is our mission field. We want everyone to know God but there are certain ways to go about it. No one becomes a Christian by Bible bashing. We are called to be the eyes and ears, the hands and feet of Jesus as we witness to a hurting world. Our motive should always be to give God the glory. Sometimes we need to examine our motives. Are we looking to God as we witness? Or have we made our mission to spread His word our god?

We all have different needs. We all have different skill sets. The novel shows how people from all different walks of life help each other. This is the body of Christ functioning as Jesus intended.

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