Tag Archive | Stacey Weeks

One Sycamore Sunday by Stacey Weeks

The Good, Good Father

One Sycamore Sunday by Stacey Weeks is the most delightful contemporary Christian novella and continues the Sycamore Hill series. It is book four but can be read as a stand-alone.

Here we see the importance of prayer and trust. “Trusting what she did not understand.” There are times in life that make no sense. It is then that we must put our hand into God’s and trust that He is our good, good Father. “God is bigger than the storm.” Whatever storm we pass through, we know that Jesus is in our boat.

Sycamore Hill pulls together and prays together. Sometimes we need others to pray for us when we don’t know how to pray. “Praying over and over the only words she could think. Please Jesus.” God hears the groans of our heart. When we pray, the darkness will flee. “God’s kingdom forced back the darkness.”

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The Sycamore Slopes by Stacey Weeks

So Delightful

The Sycamore Slopes by Stacey Weeks is a most charming contemporary Christian novella. It is the third book in the Sycamore Hill series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Once again a warm welcome awaits the reader as we join the town for some winter activities. All the town enjoys sledging except for one, who appears to be a killjoy.

We have a God who oversees our lives. “Nothing occurred that God hadn’t allowed.” God longs to be part of all our emotions. “You’re angry… but take it to God.” God can deal with all our feelings. He just wants us to communicate and to be real with Him.

It is said ‘preach the gospel at all times. If necessary, use words.’ This is lived out within the book as we see she “required her friends to step up and be the hands and feet of Jesus.” We need to not just tell the world about Jesus but to show them too.

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To Sweet Beginnings In Sycamore Hill by Stacey Weeks

Coming Home

To Sweet Beginnings In Sycamore Hill by Stacey Weeks is a most delightful contemporary Christian novella and 0.5 in the Sycamore Hill series which is charming.

The reader is introduced to some of the residents of Sycamore Hill. Everyone has a story. They are all unique and they are all searching for a place to belong – Sycamore Hill could be that place.

The town is positively charming, very warm and welcoming. The reader can feel the presence of God wafting over the town.

God never gives up on us. We can always have a second chance in Him. “A second chance … Priceless.” Heaven rejoices when the prodigal returns home.

People speak words over our lives. Words bring life or death. The tongue can tear down or build up. When we come to Jesus, He gives us a new name. He calls us ‘beloved.’ “I have a new identity. Jesus calls me holy.”

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His Sycamore Sweetheart by Stacey Weeks

Absolutely Charming

His Sycamore Sweetheart by Stacey Weeks is an absolutely charming contemporary Christian novel. It is the second book in the Sycamore Hill series but can be read as a stand-alone.

The action takes place around the heart of the community – the church. When the church functions as Jesus intended, it is beautiful to see. However, the church is made up of imperfect people, all in need of a Savior, all in need of forgiveness. “The church should be a safe place where everyone felt welcome, but too often it functioned like a social club.” When we take our eyes off Jesus, our vision becomes distorted.

Stacey Weeks has perfectly shown what happens when a church loses its focus. She has created a flawed but realistic environment that is easy to visualise.  It is against this background that characters have got hurt. Unfortunately, gossip has occurred. Gossip is cruel. It needs to be squashed. There is no place for gossip in a healthy church.

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