Tag Archive | Sheila Norton

Charlie The Kitten Who Saved A Life by Sheila Norton

Fall In Love With Charlie

Charlie The Kitten Who Saved A Life by Sheila Norton is positively delightful. Written in the first person from the point of view of Charlie, the reader ‘sees’ all the action through the eyes of a cat. Sheila Norton is a master story teller and really captured the imagination. I truly believed Charlie was narrating the story!

As a crazy cat lady with five cats, I certainly recognised the traits of a cat. The whole tale was wonderful and uniquely done.

There are the themes of love and loyalty, watchfulness and safety, family and friendship. I loved the bond between Charlie and his humans. I admired his bravery with the feral cats. His exchanges with them were enchanting. The whole novel was just exquisite and too delightful for words.

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The Pets At Primrose Cottage part 1 by Sheila Norton

A Pure Delight

The Pets At Primrose Cottage part one by Sheila Norton is a delightful taster of the book to come.

Set in the Devonshire countryside, the reader ‘feels’ at home in the fresh air. A warm welcome awaits in the village with its olde worlde charm and a wonderful mix of unique characters.

The story is told in the first person in the voice of Emma, a visitor. There is clearly a mystery to solve? Who is she? Why is she running? I am sure all will become clear in the fullness of time.

Naturally, the pets play leading roles. I am already in love with several dogs and a couple of cats.

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The Vets At Hope Green part three by Sheila Norton

The Continuing Saga

The Vets At Hope Green part three by Sheila Norton continues the story and is so delightful. I am hanging on to every word.

Life in the country is idyllic compared with the hustle and bustle of London. The village has its own set of unique personalities. It all makes for delightful reading.

The setting and animals are a huge part of the story. I really ‘felt’ immersed in village life.

Part three ended with a cliff hanger. I am clinging on by my nails to hear what happens next.

So delightful.

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The Vets At Hope Green part 2 by Sheila Norton

Speaking To My Heart

The Vets At Hope Green part 2 by Sheila Norton continues the tale of Sam, a young woman living in London but dreaming of village life. Again, just seven chapters that leaves the reader hanging on for the next part. Sheila Norton’s engaging style really speaks to my heart.

The residents of Hope Green are wonderfully portrayed – all unique – from single mums to grumpy vets to gossiping neighbours to caring grandmothers – a fabulous glimpse into village life. My heart wants to move there!

As a crazy cat lady, I lost my heart to a small black kitten. Sheila Norton really knows cats as she had captured not only my heart but the personality of a kitten.

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