A Song Unheard by Roseanna M White

In Tune

A Song Unheard by Roseanna M White is a most delightful Christian historical adventure romance. It is the second book in the Shadows Over England series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Set in 1914 following the outbreak of war, the world is in turmoil. Everyone suffers during war but “The Lord is bigger than war.” However at the time, we do not always believe this to be the case. How could a loving God permit such horrors? We have to trust that God is good even when we cannot see Him. “Did she hear God’s voice amid the noise of life?” Sometimes life drowns out God but that doesn’t mean that He is not there.

War throws up issues of trust. In a world of espionage and double agents, soldiers and civilians, we have to make up our mind whom to trust. Not all villains wear German uniforms. Not all civilians can be trusted.

Family is important. “You don’t need blood to be a family.” Family stands by us, loving and supporting us. Family is not only blood related but those who band together through circumstances and love.

There is the theme of fathers. How we view our earthly father is often projected onto our heavenly One. If our earthly father is absent, we expect the same of God.

God always answers prayer but do we always listen? “He didn’t expect an answer. God had never answered him – although to be fair, he had… never really listened.” In our really desperate times when we cry out to God, we will always see Him answer and act.

Music is a major theme. Music peppers our lives. We all respond to music. It creates memories too.

God gives each one of us different gifts. How we use those gifts is up to us but everyone of us will have our own special and unique God-given gifts.

The characters were all wonderfully drawn. The leading lady was a blend of modern and capable versus insecure. She was very realistic and I empathised with her plight. The wonderful family atmosphere, begun in book one, continued here. I cannot wait for book three.

Roseanna M White has combined fact with fiction to produce a fabulous and gripping romantic adventure. I read it in just one sitting. Give yourself a treat and enter the tense atmosphere of espionage in World War I, from the safety of your sofa.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.



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