Tag Archive | Lin Stepp

For Six Good Reasons by Lin Stepp

Wonderfully Warm

For Six Good Reasons by Lin Stepp is a most charming contemporary novel that warmed my heart and made me smile. It is the third A Smoky Mountain novel but can be read as a stand-alone.

Once more Lin Stepp delights the reader’s senses as she paints the landscape with her words. The area is remote and rugged, the houses offer hospitality and the barns provide shelter. The reader meanders through the novel as we explore the area with the characters.

All the characters were well drawn, realistic and charming. Lin Stepp has perfectly captured the five year old twins with their mannerisms, words and zest for life. They act before they think but their hearts are good.

For Six Good Reasons is about fostering. Six siblings need a home together. Foster worker, Alice, refuses to split the family, preferring to give the children a home with her. The love and care exude from the novel. We understand the children’s fear. “What if we start to love you … and then you die, too?” This is counter balanced with a vow to always look after each other.

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Shop On The Corner by Lin Stepp

Faithful One

 Shop On The Corner by Lin Stepp is the most charming contemporary Christian novel that I thoroughly enjoyed.

The action is set in small town America where the residents are warm and welcoming. The cover really sets the scene and this is re-enfored by Lin Stepp’s rich descriptions. Her words paint vivid pictures in the reader’s head.

A major theme surrounds re-purposing furniture, giving it a new lease of life. This reminds the reader that God is in the re-purposing business. He takes our dirty lives, washes us in His blood and clothes us with His love and gives us a new start in Him.

We witness a character who appears to have repented of past ways and turned a new corner – but the act of going to church does not make you a Christian any more than going into a hamburger joint makes you a hamburger. Appearances on the outside are shiny new, but the heart is still rotten.

Listening to the heart of God will give us the roadmap for our lives. “He [God] was stirring up my nest to make me want to fly.” God will always equip us wherever He sends us.

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Light In The Dark by Lin Stepp

The Romeo & Juliet Effect

Light In The Dark by Lin Stepp is a most delightful contemporary Christian novel that I thoroughly enjoyed. It is the third book in The Lighthouse Sisters but can be read as a stand-alone.

Once more it is an absolute pleasure to meet up with familiar faces. It feels as if we are coming home. All the characters are wonderfully drawn, giving out an air of warmth and love. Their interactions are a delight to witness. We see old friendships being rekindled and new ones being ignited.

The community is close knit and caring. Many families have lived in the area for generations. Those who move away, always feel the pull to return home. This reminds the reader of our relationships with God. If we wander away, we can feel the longing to return to His heart.

Prayer is important. It is a vital lifeline to God, as necessary as breathing. “I believe prayers are powerful. I wouldn’t mind a little protection coverage.” A character recognizes her need for prayer.

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Down By The River by Lin Stepp


Down By The River by Lin Stepp is the most charming contemporary Christian novel that I absolutely loved. It is part of A Smoky Mountain series but can be read as a stand-alone.

I adore all Lin Stepp’s books – my favourites are in this series. The stories are always delightful. They truly are a hug in a book as they wrap around my heart like a warm blanket.

Right from the start the reader receives a huge welcome. The story is very community-minded as the residents all look out for each other. The town has an air of love and care. It feels like home. “Home is always a place you can come back to.”

No matter what your age, you are never too old to have a new start – whether it is a physical one or a spiritual one. God longs to welcome us all home to Him.

A character has a fresh beginning, after being widowed in recent years. “Begin to live your own dreams.” All her life, her dreams have been squashed in favour of others. Her talents have been ridiculed as position, wealth and power have been the order of the day. Lives were all about show and polish. The outward appearance was all that mattered. People were judged by what they had. “You worked hard to fulfill those expectations… but you lost a little of yourself along the way. You were so busy being what you should be that you forgot a little of who you really were.” A character lost herself over the years. Now is the time to discover just who she was created to be.

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