Exposed: Levi Delivers A Brother’s Love by Kimberly Morrison

Sacrificial Love

Exposed: Levi Delivers A Brother’s Love by Kimberly Morrison is a powerful contemporary Christian novel that will fill you with the heart and love of God.

There is the central theme of family. We are all connected through God’s family. Family is important to help us get through life. Family is not just united through blood but united through love.

“We all have a past, which shapes the person we become.” We cannot change our pasts but we do need to learn from them. Linking to our pasts is the theme of redemption. God can take our old, sinful lives, turn them around and make something new.

As we go through life our words and actions may shape others. “You plant the seeds and leave the watering to God.” You may never see the effect of your words sewn into the life of another.

We cannot stop life happening to us but we can choose how to respond. “It’s not our moments of tragedy that define us, but … the way we deal with them.” We have to choose whether we want to merely exist or to grow.

There are the twin themes of grace and forgiveness. When we know we are loved and forgiven, we can extend grace and forgiveness to others.

Within the book there are instances of sacrificial love. Sacrificial love is putting the welfare of others ahead of ourselves.

Exposed is another powerful godly offering from Kimberly Morrison.

I received a free copy of the book from the author. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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