Tag Archive | Kimberley Woodhouse

Bridge Of Gold by Kimberley Woodhouse

God’s Fingerprints

Bridge Of Gold by Kimberley Woodhouse is a most delightful dual timeline Christian novel. It is part of the Doors To The Past series but can be read as a stand-alone.

The story alternates between present day and 1933 at the time of the construction of the Golden Gate bridge. It is told from various alternating points of view enabling the reader to become emotionally invested in the characters.

The lure of gold corrupts lives. When people live for treasure, there are no depths to which they will not stoop.

In counter balance there are people of faith who realise the true treasure that is found in God and others.

There is the theme of loss. When accidents happen, we want answers but sometimes we just have to accept that there are no answers this side of heaven.

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Endless Mercy by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse

Love, Laughter And Manure

Endless Mercy by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse is a marvellous Christian historical novel. It is the second book in the Treasures Of Nome series but can be read as a stand-alone.

The main themes are mercy, forgiveness and grace. We see the effect of broken promises on lives, the hurt and pain they leave behind. “Did he deserve her mercy and forgiveness?” No one deserves mercy and forgiveness but we must extend it because we have received it. To withhold forgiveness is to risk becoming bitter. When we forgive we can live in freedom.

God is a God of new beginnings. “It’s never too late… We serve a God of second chances.” It is never too late to have a fresh start in Jesus. He asks us to come to Him just as we are right now.

The novel is about family. Sometimes families are torn apart. Children suffer because of the poor choices of the adults. We witness characters drawing children close, loving them like Christ and welcoming them into their homes. “We’re here to draw people to Christ.” Lives are called to show Jesus to a hurting world.

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The Patriot Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse

Putting Legs On Fact

The Patriot Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse is a marvellous Christian historical novel. It is the fourth book in The Daughters Of The Mayflower series but can be read as a stand-alone.

This novel surrounds the battle for independence. It opens in 1752 but quickly jumps to 1774 as we follow the action, Loyalists and Patriots are everywhere. People choose whether to support the king or are they for independence? There are spies in the midst, infiltrating life everywhere. There is the theme of trust as no one knows who the betrayers are, with spies and double dealings.

The women are shown to be strong and brave. “You were the one who taught me to follow my instincts and not let anyone think less of me because I was a woman.” The women do what they can to support the cause. Unwanted attention towards a young widow from a hopeful suitor creates much amusement for the reader as the women conspire to thwart his attentions.

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Beyond The Silence by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse

A Sense of Belonging

Beyond the silenceBeyond The Silence by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse is a Christian romantic thriller set in the fictional town of Angels Falls in the 1890’s. Some books take a while to get into – not this one, I was hooked from the very first page.

Jimmy witnesses his mother’s murder and fears to speak again after being threatened by the murderer. His father Woody is arrested but then released as there is no evidence against him.

The novel opens two years later as Lillian has accepted a job as Jimmy’s nanny, several states away from where she lives with her grandfather. Lillian’s grandfather is a bitter man who threatens to cut Lillian out of his life forever if she leaves.

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