Tag Archive | June Foster

Out Of Control by June Foster

Who’s On The Throne Of Your Life?

Out Of Control by June Foster is a Christian contemporary novel that is not afraid to tackle real life issues.

People (wrongly) assume that Christians have it all together and life is perfect. Christians are people too, who try hard but sometimes fail. We have issues and flaws and are all a work in progress. “If he didn’t walk away, he could repeat his past mistakes.”

The novel shows our upbringing may influence how we act but we are not destined to repeat the sins of our fathers.

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Almond Street Mission by June Foster

A Soldier For God

Almond Street Mission by June Foster is a perfectly wonderful Christian contemporary novel that has its focus on the plight of the homeless and God’s love.

God’s love is for everyone. There are no exceptions. “I’m not good enough for God.” The bad news is, no one is good enough for God. The good news is, God’s grace covers us all.

The homeless are often ignored, or worse, abused. People look past them but God sees each and everyone. “Each one was an individual valuable in God’s eyes.” We all have a unique story and all fit uniquely into God’s plans.

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