Overflowing Grace
Restoring Love by Jennifer Slattery is a delightful contemporary Christian romance, packed full of Godly themes which I adored.
Restoring Love is about just that – love. A love that loves unconditionally. A love that goes deep. A love that restores and redeems. It is about God’s love for us. No-one is ever beyond God’s love and grace. As each one of us receives His love and grace so we must pass it on. “I wouldn’t be sitting here today if someone hadn’t offered me grace.”
Prayer is powerful. Prayer changes lives. Prayer is talking to God and building a relationship. Prayer is petitioning God on behalf of others. Pray without ceasing and never give up. God always hears our prayers. “What if she prayed? Would God listen?” God always bends an ear to prayer. No one is out of reach of God.