Tag Archive | Isabelle Broom

One Thousand Stars And You by Isabelle Broom

Life Unpaused

One Thousand Stars And You by Isabelle Broom is a most delightful contemporary novel about awakenings and exploration. I just could not put it down. It’s beautiful.

We all need to be true to ourselves. If we live a lie, sooner or later we will crack. We must be the person we were created to be. We must not live a life that someone else expects of us. We need to live our dreams, not theirs. Internal inspection can be painful. We need to be truthful about what we find. We need to love the skin we are in.

Life is an adventure. Do not settle for anything less.

The novel is about friends, both old and new. Friends who will support, love and encourage.

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The Place We Met by Isabelle Broom


The Place We Met by Isabelle Broom is a wonderful contemporary novel about love, life and loss. It is a compulsive read. With comprehensive descriptions, the reader ‘experiences’ the heat and delights of Italy’s Lake Como at Christmas and New Year.

Life is a series of meetings and partings. Some partings are harder than others but we cannot wallow in our hurtful past. “There can be no going back, so I have no choice but to move forwards.” Neither can we live in our childhood memories. No matter how wonderful, they will not keep us warm at night.

We all need good friends – friends who know us inside and out, who know the good and bad about us and love us anyway.

Running from the past is futile. If we do not deal with and face our hurts, we will never move forwards.

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Then. Now. Always by Isabelle Broom

Finding Love

Then. Now. Always by Isabelle Broom is a contemporary romance that I really loved and devoured.

Then. Now. Always is a study of love, life and human relationships. We all need love to function. It comes in different forms, all of which are valuable.

The novel encapsulates hope, using the motif of rainbows. “I come here every morning to watch the rainbows.” Rainbows offer the promise of something brighter to come after the rain. “The darkness that had enveloped her is pierced now with brightness: the future contains hope.”

Another theme is that of appearances. People may show one face to the world but the person behind the smile may be very different.

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A Year And A Day by Isabelle Broom

The Place Where Wishes Come True

a-yearA Year And A Day by Isabelle Broom is a contemporary love story set in Prague just before Christmas. The book can be read on two levels – it can be just an escapist read or delve deeper and experience true love in action.

The true love presented is very raw, very honest and very ‘real,’ It really spoke to my heart. True love is not about clasping on tightly. True love is about being open, being honest and being real.

A Year And A Day at the most basic level is the three stories of different people whose lives intertwine inspite of being total strangers. The characters are all unique. Isabelle Broom has cleverly constructed them all to bring out very different emotions in the reader. I found myself being drawn to some characters whilst mentally shunning (as the writing led me to) others. I drew my own conclusions, added two plus two and came up with five! Isabelle Broom masterfully manipulated my responses as a reader and I fell for it! She really is an amazing author.

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