One Thousand Stars And You by Isabelle Broom

Life Unpaused

One Thousand Stars And You by Isabelle Broom is a most delightful contemporary novel about awakenings and exploration. I just could not put it down. It’s beautiful.

We all need to be true to ourselves. If we live a lie, sooner or later we will crack. We must be the person we were created to be. We must not live a life that someone else expects of us. We need to live our dreams, not theirs. Internal inspection can be painful. We need to be truthful about what we find. We need to love the skin we are in.

Life is an adventure. Do not settle for anything less.

The novel is about friends, both old and new. Friends who will support, love and encourage.

We all need a safe place. Where is yours?

The novel has the theme of PTSD affecting an Afghan veteran. It is sensitively portrayed but breaks your heart. The love and care of a best friend will bring tears to your eyes.

Much of the novel is set in Sri Lanka. With glorious descriptions, the novel really comes to life for the reader.

We all need to have hope. “Even in the darkest corners, there’s always light.” Without hope we will crumble and perish. We need to have a reason to get up in the morning. Life is for living.

The characters were wonderfully drawn. I adored the leading roles – a mixture of strength and vulnerability. The blossoming and healing as they broke free from moulds was a joy to behold.

I adore Isabelle Broom’s books. I urge you to read One Thousand Stars And You today. It’s beautiful.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.




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