Letting Them Roam A Little
Cats And Daughters by Helen Brown continues Helen’s story from where her book Cleo left off. However I had not read her first book but it didn’t matter as any info I needed was provided. I now intend to read Cleo as I loved Helen Brown’s style of writing.
I was attracted to the book by the cover and thought I would be reading about a small kitten. The book is about so much more. It is about Helen’s life after Cleo (her first cat). Jonah, her second cat, only makes an appearance after about a hundred pages.
Helen Brown has not had an easy life, far from it. She has faced much heartache. She has found that cats can help you heal. Cats can be very therapeutic. They are intuitive, sensing a need and responding. “Cleo had taught Rob (Helen’s son) to trust life again.” Cleo had left a hole in the family’s life but “as I wrote about her, Cleo seemed more alive than ever.”