Tag Archive | Gina Holder

Grace Immeasurable by Gina Holder

A Child Of God

Grace Immeasurable by Gina Holder is a marvellous contemporary Christian crime suspense. It is the third book in the Shadows Over Whitman series but can be read as a stand-alone.

There are the dual themes of repentance and redemption. Our actions always have consequences. We always have the choice to choose our paths in life. It is never too late to choose to repent of our bad choices and to finish strong.

God is the God of restoration. He longs to restore the years the locusts have eaten. No matter what we have been facing or going through, God never leaves us to walk alone. He walks beside us. He renews and He restores. Great is His faithfulness.

We need to be careful as to the voices we are listening to. “You’re not good enough. You’ll never good enough.” This is a lie from the enemy. We need to listen to the life-affirming voice of God who says we are enough and we are loved.

A character is crumbling under lack of self-worth. “Why did God create someone like me? I’m such a mess … I just want to be loved. I just want to be seen.” The character needs to see the face in the mirror just the way God sees it. God sees us as priceless. He paid for us with the blood of Jesus. We are children of God.

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Forgiven Again by Gina Holder

The Way Back Home

Forgiven Again by Gina Holder is a powerful contemporary Christian suspense. It is the second book in the Shadows Over Whitman series. I recommend reading book one No Greater Love first.

The novel is a story of redemption and finding your way back to God. Sometimes in life we journey away from God and can find ourselves in the wilderness of life. “If she called out to God for help, would he hear her this time?” Yes. Absolutely. God hears our every cry. It is us who doubt that He hears us. “Don’t bother. God’s not going to hear you.”

In our ‘lostness’ we may become bitter. We need good people around us who will point us back to God.

Names are important. “Annie had believed God cared, but Kathleen knew better. “ A name change signifies a character change – in this case the character associates her name Annie with weakness and Kathleen with strength. God does some of His best work when we admit our weakness for then we lean on His strength.

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No Greater Love by Gina Holder

Uncovering The Past

No Greater Love by Gina Holder is a marvellous contemporary Christian romantic suspense and the first book in the Shadows Over Whitman series.

The novel is about a search for roots. Babies are a gift from God but man does not always treat them as such, sometimes seeing them as an embarrassment or throw-aways. When a character uncovers the secrets of her birth, she longs to find her true beginnings.

We all want to belong and be loved. Family is not always united by blood but it is united by love.

Jealousy is a dreadful master. It corrupts lives and will always lead to a downwards spiral.

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Whither Shall I Go? by Gina Holder

Trust Him

Whither Shall I Go? by Gina Holder is a wonderful Christian historical romance. It spans the years from 1911 to a few years after the end of the first World War.

The reader crosses from the American countryside to New York City to France and to the jungles of Brazil. From log cabin to expensive town house to the trenches to native villages, the reader is in for a real treat as Gina Holder’s descriptions bring the novel to life.

God is at the heart, as characters seek Him and try to do His will. “Trust God and take a risk.” Following God is not always easy but it is always rewarding.

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