Tag Archive | Dancing In The Rain

Dancing In The Rain by Jennifer Slattery and Eileen Hinkle Rife

Reach Out In Hope

Dancing In The Rain by Jennifer Slattery and Eileen Hinkle Rife is the most wonderful and heartfelt contemporary Christian romance.

The book deals with the themes of grace, forgiveness and new life. It has the motifs of darkness and light. Darkness may be literal, as the lead character is blind. Or it may be spiritual darkness as characters stumble in the darkness before coming to know Jesus, the light of the world.

In Jesus we can all have a new beginning, the old is gone, the new is here. We need to leave our past in the past in order to move forwards. “It was time to leave his past… in the past… and grab hold of the new life Christ had offered him.”

There are themes of guilt and forgiveness. Past actions may mean that we live with guilt. Guilt is unhelpful. We must forgive ourselves.

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