Tag Archive | Craig Davis

Never Give Up Hope: Waging War With Cancer by Craig Davis

Fear Doesn’t Stand A Chance When I Stand In Your Love

Never Give Up Hope: Waging War With Cancer by Craig Davis – wow what a powerful testimony of a family battling cancer. Craig Davis shows tremendous faith and courage as he puts his life into the hands of God. Craig Davis’ battle built trust and faith in God. As you read this book, may your trust and faith in God grow.

Miracles still happen. “Miracles… force us into a decision.” We either choose to believe or we don’t but either way, our choice does not negate the miracle.

Craig Davis realises with hindsight, that even when he was not walking with God, God was still preparing the groundwork for later in his life. “God was at work and we did not even realise it.” God will relentlessly pursue us until we make a decision for Him. “I was running from the life Jesus wanted me to live. But God kept after me.” God never gives up on us.

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