Tag Archive | Bronner

Bronner by Sherri Burgess

To God Be The Glory

BronnerBronner by Sherri Burgess is an amazing, brutally honest book written by the mother of two and a half year old Bronner after he died.

Sherri Burgess could be bitter but she isn’t. She writes to give God the glory. She is sad, she misses Bronner but she knows “Bronner hadn’t just ceased to exist, I knew he was somewhere.” Sherri Burgess is unbelievably positive. Her words and her attitude she accredits to God. He has helped her get to where she is today. He has been beside her every step of the way.

Sherri Burgess tells of all the good that has happened since Bronner’s death. She realises looking back, that she was only meant to have Bronner a short time. He is God’s child that she just ‘borrowed’. She writes to point people to Jesus. She talks to point people to Jesus. And she hopes that because of Bronner and the family’s closeness to God that more people will be in Heaven.

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