Tag Archive | Angelica Hart

The Lawman’s Love by Angelica Hart

Of Gifts, Friendship And Love

The Lawman’s Love by Angelica Hart is a historical romantic adventure. It is the third book in the Baxter Homestead series and I loved it.

Familiar faces warmed my heart as I caught up on the latest happenings.

The book was a curious mixture – reminiscent of the Lone Ranger and Tonto blended with God and the Holy Spirit. I was reminded that we are never alone. Even when we do not see or feel God, He never leaves us. He walks alongside us, working silently in our lives. Jesus said in the Bible that He would send the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter. To be alongside us at all times. We may not see Him working in our lives but He will be always with us, whether we feel Him or not.

Life is a battle of good versus evil. This is clearly shown within the tale.

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Found In Flight by Angelica Hart

Lean On Me

Found In Flight by Angelica Hart is a Christian historical romance. It is the second book in the Baxter Homestead Romance series but can be read as a stand-alone. Found In Flight gives the back story to some of the characters in book one before colliding with the end of that story. It was a very clever technique that enables the reader to witness the same action but from a different point of view.

Once again there is the theme of the plight of women. They are seen as weak but are not as weak as some men believe. There is a wonderful matriarch who appealed to my sense of humour with her tobacco spitting habits!

Our past does not define us. We learn from our past and then move on into our future.

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Not All Cowboys Are Cruel by Angelica Hart

The Magic Of The Ring

Not All Cowboys Are Cruel by Angelica Hart is a Christian historical romance which I enjoyed. It is the first book in the Baxter Homestead series.

The novel shows the importance of names. A name change signifies a change of circumstances or character. Names speak of who we are.

We believe words spoken over us. Sometimes we are the ones speaking negativity into our lives. We need to break those chains and thinking patterns and breathe life into our situations. “Perhaps he was more than just what had been taken from him.”

The past may have a hold over us. We need to learn from the past but not live in it. The future awaits us.

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