Tag Archive | Adele Parks

Lies Lies Lies by Adele Parks

Emotional Roller Coaster

Lies Lies Lies by Adele Parks is a gripping contemporary psychological thriller that will have your heart racing as you read.

Adele Parks is a marvellous writer who grabs your attention from the start, manipulates your emotional responses with her words, spins you around and sets you down on the roller coaster that is all lies, lies, lies. See if you can spot who is telling the truth. My jaw opened and dropped so many times in this marvellous thriller.

Lies Lies Lies is the exploration of relationships. Adele Parks shows the lengths some people will go to to protect those they love. We also see what happens when love is warped.

The hand of friendship is extended in some surprising places. Sacrifices are made to protect the exposed.

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I Invited Her In by Adele Parks

Best Served Cold

I Invited Her In by Adele Parks is a gripping contemporary read about mind games and revenge – a dish best served cold.

Mind games occur with both the reader and the characters. Just when I thought I’d figured out what was going on… the action veered off in another direction! Absolutely gripping and entertaining.

Some things just consume us. Ideas get fixated in our brain and we cannot see the wood for the trees. Our actions are motivated by our passions and obsessions.

Motherhood is a job like no other. How far would you go to protect your child?

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