Tag Archive | A Patchwork Christmas Collection

The Bridal Quilt by Nancy Mosser

The Presence Of God

The Bridal Quilt by Nancy Mosser is an absolutely charming historical Christian tale that will warm your heart. It is part of A Patchwork Christmas Collection.

There is the theme of taking care of the widows and orphans. There is more life and love among the poor of New York than can be found in the rich drawing rooms where appearances and marriage alliances are everything.

It is important to listen to God. “Listen for the Lord – whether it be a whisper or a shout.” Having heard from God we need to be obedient and do as He says. If He tells us to ‘wait’, we must wait and not force the issues as God’s timing is always perfect.

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A Patchwork Love by Stephanie Grace Whitson

Inner Beauty

A Patchwork Love by Stephanie Grace Whitson is a most delightful Christian historical tale. It is in the book A Patchwork Christmas Collection. There are some wonderfully kind characters who see the needs of others and step in to meet them.

We see that the richest people are not those with the most possessions but those with love in their hearts.

Life leaves scars. Sometimes these are visible, sometimes they are hidden. God does not look at our outward appearance but our inner beauty.

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Seams Like Love by Judith Miller

Learning To Trust

Seams Like Love by Judith Miller is a charming Christian historical novella. It is part of the book A Patchwork Christmas Collection. The snow on the ground is in complete contrast to the warm welcome that the reader receives.

There are the twin themes of faith and trust. Being hurt in the past has meant a character has walled up her heart. She needs to unleash the chains and learn to live and trust again.

Words spoken over us have the power to build up or tear down. An unkind remark in childhood has had a lasting impact on a life. We need to listen to the positive voice of God who says we are loved. We also need to curb our own tongues and think before we speak.

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