Tag Archive | A Colonial Courtship

A Colonial Courtship by Stephenia H McGee

No Condemnation

A Colonial Courtship by Stephenia H McGee is a charming Christian timeslip novel and the third book in the Back Inn Time series which is delightful.

As present day slips into the past there are lessons to be learnt. Sometimes the things we want answers to, are not the things that God wants to teach us. We make the plans for our lives but God’s plans are greater.

When life does not turn out as we want it to, we may feel angry at God. This is misdirected anger as God wants to turn our pain around.

There is the theme of forgiveness. It is not always easy to do but if we with-hold it, we risk becoming bitter. We need to forgive and live free.

We are not destined to repeat the sins of our fathers. We are a unique creation and are therefore free to develop our own character.

The characters were all well drawn and realistic. They were warm and welcoming, covering the story in love.

In spite of the serious themes, the tone was light-hearted. There were some amusing scenes.

I have loved this Back Inn Time series. All the stories are delightful and have lessons for us all to learn.

I received a free copy of the book from the author. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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A Colonial Courtship by Stephenia H McGee

Cover Reveal

A Colonial Courtship A Time Travel Historical Romance (The Back Inn Time Series Book 3)

Available in ebook (and KU), paperback and audio upon release July 6, 2021

Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08T5VH863


Sometimes time travel is just the miracle you need. Unless it sends you to the last place you want to go.

Abigail Martin needs a miracle. After a crushing family secret stole her job, her apartment, and her future, she escapes her ruined life and risks a return to her hometown. Hints from a trusted friend that a mysterious bed and breakfast could grant her deepest desires lead her to rent a room. But when her former crush—a man she’s spent months avoiding—won’t leave her side, they both end up facing more than just the past she tried to escape.

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