Father’s Wings by Rhonda Hanson

Under His Covering

Father’s Wings by Rhonda Hanson is a powerful contemporary Christian novel that I just could not get enough of! It is the second book in the Father series but can be read as a stand-alone. I recommend reading book one first, for character development and maximum enjoyment.

This book explores the theme of life being a spiritual battle. Just as we can see evidence for the existence of God, we can also see evidence of the enemy. The enemy wants to distract and destroy us. God wants to give us life and peace. “Stay close to the One who knows the enemy’s agenda.” In order to defeat the enemy, we must draw close to the heart of God.

People cross our paths all the time. Some mean us harm. “God uses people to accomplish His purposes and so does Satan.” We need to be wise and discerning. Prayer is just a breath away. We need prayer to cover us at all times.

Sometimes there are no words. “I don’t know how to pray anymore.” God can ‘hear’ the longing of our hearts. He also sends people alongside us to pray and to lift us up when we have no strength left.

There is the theme of forgiveness. We must forgive others because we have been forgiven. “God is not punishing you. All your sins and mistakes are forgiven.” Sometimes life just happens. God never punishes us. He loves us.

We are called to spread the Good News of Jesus. A hurting world needs to know Him. We are called to preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary, to use words. “He believed in extending himself to unbelievers, as a witness of God’s love.” Live a life of love.

All the characters were well drawn, likable and realistic. I loved the banter between two characters about Custer and Sitting Bull – it was light-hearted and amusing. I also loved the mischievous little boys who were out for good old-fashioned fun.

To counter balance the light-heartedness, we also see a serious side – the importance of not dying without Jesus. “You can’t afford to leave this life without Jesus.” Whatever we have done, however far we have strayed, we must always come home to Jesus. Like the father in the prodigal son story, God is looking out for us returning home.

Rhonda Hanson is a fresh new talent in Christian fiction. She knows how to weave a marvellous tale and how to draw characters who are realistic and easy to empathise with. Her fiction is close to the heart of God. Her characters are well-rounded. They are not squeaky clean but their hearts are in the right place.

I loved Father’s Wings. It was a fabulous read.

I received a free copy from the author. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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