Escape From Amsterdam by Lauralee Bliss

In The Master’s Hand

Escape From Amsterdam by Lauralee Bliss is a powerful, heart-wrenching historical Christian novel that celebrates the faithfulness of God to His children, and their faith in Him.

The novel is set in the Netherlands during World War II. It was a time of great evil, and sometimes felt as if even God had left. “It looked as if God had turned His face from them.” God was not absent but walking beside His children.

There were times when characters could do nothing more but cling to their faith. “Life was a continuous walk of faith.” God would provide a way where there seemed no way, but, like Daniel in the Bible, even if He did not, they would still put their faith and hope in Him.

The faith in the story is strong. “Without faith… how does one dare to face the future?” When life seems uncertain, we can know that God is true and steadfast and we can “look to God, no matter what happens.”

Nazi occupation and Jewish persecution met with little resistance as people kept quiet to protect their own. There were pockets of resistance and rescues when they could. They may have only been able to rescue a few at a time but they were making a difference to those few. There were some huge hearts within the novel whose eyes saw the world with the eyes of the Father.

Prayer is important. We must pray without ceasing. “Oh God I know You must be very tired of my requests.” God never gets tired of hearing from us. He delights in our prayers and petitions.

When we know God, we can know peace in spite of our circumstances. “She would dwell on the peace that passes all understanding rather than the fear of the unknown.”

All the characters were well -drawn, likable and realistic. The novel has its roots in fact – of the 140,000 Jewish people the Netherlands at the start of the war, only 35,000 remained at the end. Whole families perished in the concentration camps.

 Escape From Amsterdam is a powerful read. We must never forget all who perished in the Holocaust. This must be read in memory of the six million innocents.

I received a free copy from the author. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.    


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