All I Want For Christmas by Rebekah Pace is a powerful contemporary Christian novel that is a modern retelling of the story of Job.
We witness the faithfulness of God who never leaves us to struggle alone. He provides things for us to be thankful for daily. Sometimes in our pain and hurt, we fail to see God. We cannot feel Him. Worse still, we feel abandoned but God’s silence is never His absence. He is continually and faithfully working behind the scenes.
We see a family who materially have it all but “provision is more than just the stuff you can buy off store shelves.” We can be materially rich but spiritually poor. Modern technology drives wedges between families. Retail therapy offers a quick fix high but fails to satisfy as we chase the next new thing. Only God will truly satisfy. Sometimes modern life intrudes and we fail to make time for God.
True riches are never measured by material wealth but by how much we love and are loved. True riches are found in relationship with God and with each other.
There is much love in the novel. This love is inversely proportional to a family’s financial status. Real love and satisfaction are found in interacting with others.
We witness who are true friends and who are just networking.
Prayer is powerful. “Try prayer if you’re looking for answers.” We may not receive answers straight away but we must keep asking and keep expecting. When we are down to nothing, God is up to something.
God does some of His best work in our brokenness. When we have it all together, we may take our eyes off God. Only when we are at rock bottom do we know that we can and must rely on God. “God can do things I can’t.”
The reader is reminded that God will restore the years the locusts have eaten. When God repays, as in Job, He repays with double portions. We have a generous, loving God. The richest people are those who love and are loved.
All I Want For Christmas was such a powerful read about love and our faithful God.
I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.