Emberly: The Impossible Princess by Jonathan Grant

Oh How He Loves Us

Emberly: The Impossible Princess by Jonathan Grant is a beautiful and unique way to tell our daughters about Jesus who loves them.

Jonathan Grant has taken the bare bones of the Cinderella story and filled them with the truth of the Gospel. Seasoned Christians will be easily able to recognise the parallels and the truth of the Gospel within the tale.

As we read with our daughters, each page opens up a discussion e.g. the prince is searching for a bride, just like Jesus is searching for each and everyone of us. He will relentlessly pursue us because He does not want to lose any of His children.

We see that our sin, shame and secrets are laid on Jesus. The cross transferred our sins to the sinless One.

Emberly: The Impossible Princess can be read as a fairytale – but please don’t stop there. Keep on reading as Jonathan Grant in the final pages writes about Jesus who loves us. He also leads us in the sinner’s prayer if we would like to ask Jesus into our lives.

This is a beautiful book and just perfect for ages five and over. It is a unique and wonderful way to tell our daughters about Jesus who loves them.

I received a free copy from the author. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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