A Midwife’s Memoir by Carol Duncombe


A Midwife’s Memoir by Carol Duncombe is a fascinating account of the author’s life as a midwife of over forty five years.

Medical advances mean that some things have changed but much remains the same – we all want to be looked after by a caring midwife and we want a healthy mum and baby outcome.

Carol Duncombe has worked in a hospital and the community. She has many tales to tell – some are extremely funny, some are desperately sad. Each birth is unique.

The book is written in a very engaging style. I really ‘felt’ like I ‘knew’ Carol Duncombe by the end of the book. I am looking forward to reading her sequel.

Just as Call The Midwife has entertained us on the BBC about midwives in the community in the 1950’s and 1960’s, I think Carol Duncombe’s tales would make a marvellous television series showing midwifery from the eighties and beyond.

A Midwife’s Memoir is a wonderful book that will warm your heart.

I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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