See The Dales Come To Life
Tales Out Of School by Gervase Phinn is a delightful contemporary tale and the second book in the Top Of The Dale series.
It is wonderful to continue following the characters we met in book one. Gervase Phinn perfectly captures the mannerisms and speech of the wide range of characters found within a Dales village.
Dales folk speak plainly. This creates moments of hilarity especially from the children with their vast knowledge of all things farm animal and especially sheep. I did laugh out loud on many occasions.
Village life comes with its joys and sorrows. Gossip is rife, secrets are shared not kept. Your life is public property which can create misunderstandings. On the whole people are kind, standing together and offering support when needed.
Dales life comes alive under the masterful pen of Gervase Phinn. I love all his books. Why not take a trip to God’s own country today? You will be glad you did.