Timepiece by Richard Paul Evans

The Giver Of The Gift

Timepiece by Richard Paul Evans is a beautiful Christian historical tale and the second book in the Christmas Box trilogy.

This story provides the background to a character we met in book one. We witness the events that shaped a character – the loves and losses.

Life presents us with choices. We always have the choice to choose correctly. Bitterness will corrupt and drag us down to the mire. We need to exchange hearts of stone for hearts of flesh.

Within the story we see pure hearts in those who are viewed as the least in society. Their hearts are inversely proportional to their social standing.

At the turn of the twentieth century there was much inequality in America. There was much racial injustice and prejudice. We need to see the size of a heart and not the colour of a skin.

Within the novel there was a great loss. It is a loss that could sink souls but a gift given in love injects hope eternal.

There is the theme of forgiveness. We must forgive or risk becoming bitter. “Forgiveness has nothing to do with them… It has to do with us. It has to do with who we are and who we will become.”

Timepiece was a beautiful and powerful tale. It’s on to book three in the trilogy now.


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