The Day She Came Back by Amanda Prowse

The Same Moon

The Day She Came Back by Amanda Prowse is a bittersweet contemporary novel about love and hard choices. It is beautifully written and will lodge in your heart and soul.

Love is the most powerful force. A maternal love will do whatever is required to keep children or grandchildren safe. When love is our motivation sometimes seemingly impossible choices are made.

The reader witnesses the beautiful bond between a grandmother and her granddaughter. Their love radiates from the pages of the novel.

Loss hurts. When death comes stealthily with no time to say goodbye, guilt remains. It is guilt for what we did or didn’t do. Guilt will eat us up. We need to let go of guilt and focus on our memories.

We all need good friends – good friends who will see us through the good and the bad times. False friends leave a bitter taste.

A major theme is of restoration of relationships. As tentative steps are taken, the reader reads on with baited breath.

We see the destructive power of drug addiction. How lives are consumed by desire for the next ‘fix’ regardless of what their priorities should be.

There are hard choices to be made in the name of love. The reader sees the pain these tough choices can cause and we can empathise with the feelings of all the characters involved.

Amanda Prowse is a new author to me. I loved The Day She Came Back and her style of writing. The novel was beautifully written and has left me with love and hope in my heart.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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