Going Through Hell To Get To Heaven by Dr Scot Hodkiewicz

Surrendering To God’s Plan

Going Through Hell To Get To Heaven by Dr Scott Hodkiewicz is a powerful true life account of not just a family who survived but who actually thrived. This is a wow read about the recovery from a horrendous accident and the lessons learnt from God as the family pressed into Him.

Before the crash the author was a vet. He had built a successful life and had a nice house. In worldly terms he was a success. The author admits that before the crash the gifts God had given him, he used for himself. Whereas after the crash, God’s gifts were used for God and others. His outlook completely changed as his mind focussed on the true treasures in life.

We all have moments in life that define us – for Dr Scott Hodkiewisz and his family it was when a drunk, disqualified driver crashed into their family car. But God is a faithful God and at just the right time, He sent His angels in human form, to minister just where they were needed.

God is a God who cares – not just for us but for all His creatures. We see this clearly illustrated by the care taken over the family’s two dogs who were also in the car crash. People, with the right skill sets and kind hearts ministered to the dogs knowing their importance to the three children. Time, money and skills were given.

Whilst in recovery the author learnt to ‘hear’ God’s voice and to surrender his life to God’s plans. He also had a choice to make – “I was no longer a victim; I was a survivor.” Once we choose to see the world through the eyes of a survivor, our outlook will change.

There was another huge choice to make – to forgive the drunk driver or not. Forgiveness is as much for our benefit, forgiving someone will free us from the prison of bitterness and hatred. The drunk driver “didn’t deserve forgiveness, but I would forgive him anyway.” And that is grace in action.

I found Going Through Hell an incredibly powerful and inspiring read. God taught the family many lessons in that dark time. God’s love is vast and His angels walk amongst us in human form. If you want to expand your faith muscle, I can really recommend reading this book.

I want to leave you with this powerful quote:

“God is always with us through the pain, but He never promised a life without pain.”

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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